Driver Information


Sporting Check In RMCGF21 1
on event site

Sporting Check-In

Sporting Check-in office will be located in the Big Dome near the paddock.

Make sure that you have all documents ready for the Sporting Check-in to avoid more waiting time. Start the GlobalApp before you go to the Sporting Check-In.

Mandatory for Drivers

Rotax Global App

The Rotax Global App is the main communication channel and therefore mandatory for all drivers and entrants. Download the App named ROTAX GLOBAL from the App Store or Google Play and select RMC Grand Finals from the list of championships
Although the App is self-explanatory a detailed user guide is available for download below.

A setup guide for iOS and Android is attached to your confirmation email and a short overview is available in the Driver Information.

Global App for iOS

Global App on Android

Rotax Global App Guide
pdf 1.14 MB
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