RMCGF 2008 Italy

The world’s top karting race series found itself on European soil once again when Italy – arguably the home of karting – hosted the Grand Finals in 2008.

Winners of the RMC Grand Finals 2008

  • 125 Junior MAX

    1 Facundo Chapur / Argentinia
    2 Kevin Korjus / Estonia
    3 Paul Foruquemin / France

  • 125 Senior MAX

    1 Ben Cooper / United Kingdom
    2 Chris Lock / United Kingdom
    3 Martin Pierce / Ireland

  • 125 MAX Masters

    1 Martin Pierce / Ireland
    2 Jerome Bourquard / France
    3 Colin Davis / United Kingdom

  • 125 MAX DD2

    1 Leeroy Poulter / South Africa
    2 Pier-Luc Ouellette / Canada
    3 Stuart Marsell / USA

  • 125 MAX DD2 Masters

    1 Dennis Kroes / Netherlands
    2 Curtis Cooksey / USA
    3 Maurits Knopjes / UAE

  • Nations Cup

    1 United Kingdom
    2 Netherlands
    3 Hungary

Gasette RMCGF 2008
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